The Iowa Neuropathology Resource Laboratory is committed to our role as educators, extending our expertise to support community learning through a variety of outreach initiatives.
We’ve impacted over 3,700 students by sparking curiosity and interest in careers in the health sciences. Our pioneering rural outreach program stands as a testament to our dedication, as we bring hands-on education directly to schools in remote corners of Iowa, ensuring equal access to high-quality scientific learning. Our resources below are freely available, offering downloadable materials tailored for both middle and high school students.
If you’re interested in having the INRL visit your classroom or other community event, please email our director at Kimberly-fiock@uiowa.edu . We are available for both in-person and virtual outreach opportunities.


BUILD-A-NEURON is an interactive outreach activity offering students a hands-on way to learn about neurons, the main messenger cell in the brain. Participants learn about the basic components of a neuron and their functionality before constructing a neuron model of their own out of beads and string.

Sheep Brain Dissection Guide
The Sheep Brain Dissection Guide provides comprehensive instructions for dissecting a sheep brain and delves into the comparative neuroanatomy of both sheep and humans. It serves as a valuable resource for understanding the anatomical similarities and differences between these species and provides detailed information on various structures and their functions.